Boot loader

Boot loader is the one who loads OS into memory and handing over the execution to it.Boot loader can give option to boot into different OSes(one at a time).There are many boot loaders available. GRUB(Grand Unified Boot loader) is more popular in Linux world. In windows we have ntldr...

Vim a powerfull editor

Vim is an editor. For those who are trying it first time feel that it very crude . Those who have been using tell that this is the best editor. I also find it very good than any other editor. One of the main advantage of this editor , i think , is that without taking our hand from the letters side we can do all sort of work. We don't have to even touch the mouse.

Other features which I find better are the following

  • Recognizes file type and colors the text depending on syntax.

  • Word search , Replace operation using Regular expression and it is very easy to do them

  • Word completion

  • Ability to make custome commands

  • Easy faster navigation

For more details and scripts visit